Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Day Twelve

woke up and drove to see lake michigan again in the day time.
Decided it would be cool to perhaps go into Canada at some point in the holiday as we were at the north of the country. We both checked we had our passports. Ryan didn't. Oh dear. Started to phone some of the motels we had stayed at and also the embassy. Became pretty sure they didn't have it.
Decided we should head for Washington a bit earlier as I had managed to lose my passport.
We headed towards some ferries to Kelleys Island on Lake Erie. They left from Sandusky.
We headed in that direction and stopped for lunch at Burger King somwhere along the way.
For dinner we stopped in a bar. Sat at the bar for food. John ordered a beer and was asked for ID. The woman behind the bar was pretty baffled by the european driving licence and went to consult her Big Book o' ID to if it was genuine. After, literally, a couple of minutes she came beck and decided John could have a beer. Another Proper american bar but different to the bars we have been to previously.
We got talking to a guy sitting next to us at the bar. We forgot his name but have decided to refer to him as Mike as we think that might have been it.
Mike spoke to us concerning many subjects and we learnt many important facts such as:
He works for GM,
American cars are as good as Japanese cars,
50 year old Mike doesn't approve of having girlfriends over 40,
he teaches his kids what the capital of Austrailla and Canada are
and Mike has hit 5 deer with his car in his lifetime.
Mike also suggested that Sharon Ozbourne was respected as much as the Queen. John corrected him saying that the Queen was very well respected and Sharon Ozbourne was not quite on the same footing. Mike clearly thought he had caused great offence as he quickly backed away from his previous statement. We for some reason didn't bother telling him he hadn't really caused offence. After we decided that Sharon Osbourne wasn't quite as respected as the Queen we left at the same time as Mike. Mike, after at least 4 beers decided to go driving. Ho hum.
We left and continued to Sandusky. When we got there it was pretty dark. We drove around a bit looking for somewhere to stay and found a road with a number of motels in it. We headed to the "Americas Best Value Inn" Sandusky. For some interesting reading here are some Reviews.
The rate was the cheapest yet! around $55 for a room with two Queen beds! Aferwards we worked this out to be under £15 each. The place looked a bit dodgy but we went to our room...... After a short while we decided to barracade the door with the sofa. We felt better then.
Time for sleep.


j'smum said...

Canwe help this end or will you have to stay in America?? Do you need more money as the hotels are getting cheaper ?

Vicky said...

My sister stayed with some nice people in New York if you need to move there.